Sunday, August 03, 2003

KISS and Aerosmith
Well, I was one of the fortuanate this Saturday to witness the opening night of the Kiss and Aerosmith tour. Kiss are child hood idols of mine. When I was little, my world was simply Batman, Hulk, and Kiss. I was disappointed with Kiss when I saw them on their supposed "farewell" tour, but I think that was because Ace Frehley was doing good to hold the guitar (I'm sorry, but it's painful to see one of your heros to have fallen off the crest). Well, last night, they gave me the show I had wished when I saw them on the farewell tour! THEY ROCKED! They were everything I thought they would be when I was a kid. They didn't play everything I wanted them to (ala Calling Dr. Love, Charisma (hey, I can dream right?), Radioactive (yeah, I know, it's one of my all-time faves), Strutter, Two timer, etc). But, they covered most of the other bases. I swear I hope they never retire and they keep Tommy Thayer. He did exactly what Ace should have done the last time I saw them...=) The only thing I could do without is the canned Beth (get a damn keyboardist out there and do it proper! Karoake sucks!). So, since I've lived in this area for a short time, I've gotten to see Alice on Halloween and now Kiss on opening night! This place rules! Oh yeah, how was Aerosmith? The enitre was almost everything Done With Mirrors and post. In other words, very little classic Aerosmith and a lot of ballads. Tyler's voice seemed blown and they all looked tired except Joe Perry. I think he gave a great performance. I figured since Kiss only played 70's stuff from the classic line-up that Aerosmith would follow suit. Oh well, at least we got to hear some of their new "blues" album which was cool, but nothing mind blowing....The highlight of the evening was Kiss! I hope they never retire because I will never grow tired of Gene doing the blood and fire breathing thing. Much like I will never tired of Alice getting his chopped off or him holding himself up on crutches during 18. Can I just say it, last night "I WANTED THE BEST AND I GOT THE BEST!" I've now seen all of my childhood faves in concert and most of my fave 70's acts (now, if I could Lynyrd Skynyrd and Van Halen (with roth), I would be set...).

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