Monday, April 04, 2005

Omaha Smalltalk User's Group

If you could only have 1 mantra to use that had to direct all your future philosophies, what would it be? If you have ever read 'The Selfish Gene' you are familiar with the idea of memes. A meme is a contagious idea competing for a share of our mind in a kind of Darwinian selection. The meme/mantra that we will take a look at in a software context is a paper called 'Collect what works' (the mantra!) by Stan Silver. This should be a fun free for all where we will consider the idea of solution spaces, and one of my favorite quotes: 'to gain knowledge, add something everyday. To gain wisdom remove something everyday'.

This month, Gary Overgard came up with the suggestion. Go to to read the Collect What Works paper. Also, we would like to discuss using Gary's rules engine with Seaside as a Smalltalk FIT replacement. And as always bring your favorite snippets of Smalltalk code!

We're also now on So, sign on up!

Here's all of the details:

When: April 12, 2005, 7pm - 9pm
Where: Offices of Northern Natural Gas
1111 S 103rd Street
Omaha Nebraska 68154

Office is at 103rd & Pacific. Guests can park in the Northern visitors parking area back of building, or across the street at the mall. Enter in front door, we'll greet you at the door at 7:00pm. If you arrive a bit later, just tell the guard at the reception desk you're here for the Smalltalk user meeting in the 1st floor training room.

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