Sunday, May 06, 2007

DSLs: What's the big deal?

I've always wondered what the big deal with DSLs was. Now, i'm not saying they are bad quite the contrary.But, I believe a DSL is a healthy bi-product of a good object-oriented design. So, I was a little annoyed with all of the talk and the tricks. I kept thingking to myself, "But, if you did a good design, you would have this!"

But, I should really be kicking myself. I should be glad that good design is back in vogue. and you know what? I am. I'm not annoyed any long and I relish all of this new talk on DSLs. I even feel guilty. You see, DSLs have always been part of the Smalltalk farbic. It's natural to us because it's the way we have learned to code. I remember having the mantra "Code should read like a conversation" shoved down my throat until it became second nature. The cool thing is that there is a whole new generation finding out about this and doing it. Very cool.

I'm now promising myself to show non-Smalltalkers the other cool things that we have in our fabric and what we take to heart. The power of messages compels thee!

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