Thursday, January 03, 2008

Omaha Dynamic Language User's Group

Fingers tired from typing in all of those Emacs commands from trying out new Ruby and Lisp code from the books you got for Christmas? Why don't you take a small break and join your fellow comrades. Trust me your mind and fingers will thank you. This month we have a very special guest from Microsoft, Bob McCoy. He'll be demonstrating all of the cool things that you can do with PowerShell. It just might make Mac users envious. Here's the full abstract:
PowerShell is Microsoft’s next generation scripting language and environment. It will be the native shell environment for Windows Server 2008 and is at the heart of every administration task in Exchange 2007. It is extremely powerful and at the same time very simple to use. It is aimed at system administrators and scripters.

This will be about 40% slides and about 60% demonstration. I try to keep it highly interactive so it ends up answering a lot of questions along the way.

But, that's not all! You not only get Bob McCoy, but we're also bringing the brightest fellows in Omaha. But, wait that's not all! We'll throw in sponsorship from TekSystems which means free food and more pop than you can drink. All for the incredible low price of FREE! Why delay? Come to the meeting!

On a side note, a little bird told me that TekSystems has some Ruby openings right now! Get in contact with Heather Blockovich or better yet come to the meeting to find out more.

SpeakerBob McCoy
TimeJanuary 8, 7-9pm
LocationUNO's Peter Kiewit Institute (PKI) building
1110 South 67th Street
Omaha, NE

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