Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bar Camps

In the past week, I've attended both the Omaha and Des Moines Bar Camps. At each, I gave my Seaside and advanced Javascript talks. The responses and turn out was incredible. Interest is growing in Seaside and Javascript is being viewed more as real language than a toy. It makes me a happy person. Everyone I met was passionate, articulate, and excited. I can honestly say that all of the Bar Camps I have attended thus far have been incredible. I've met many new friends and I can't wait to go to another. They are addicting! Hope to see everyone again! Check out my presentations page.


Paris Holley said...

Had an interesting presentation. I wish I could have stuck around to hear more about seaside, I've never messed around with Smalltalk.

Blaine Buxton said...

Well, next time I'm in Des Moines pull me to the side and I'll show all you want to know about Smalltalk. I'll be back in October for the Ruby User's Group.