useOutputDuring: aOneArgBlockI basically send in a block that takes the stream as an argument. It then returns the contents of the stream and resets the stream for the next user. I also added a check in the beginning to warn me if it gets invoked from nested calls. Now, here's the test method:
self output position > 0 ifTrue: [self warning: 'Output is being used'].
[aOneArgBlock value: self output.
^self output contents]
ensure: [self output resetToStart]
testOutputConsistencyThe first two asserts make sure that only one setter and getter access the instance variable, output. I like accessors, so I doubt I will ever violate those, but you never know when a brain fart might occur. The last two asserts are to make sure that there is only one sender of the "output" method and that it is the "useOutputDuring:" method. This test is super easy with Smalltalk's metaclass facilities where not only can I query a class's method and instance variables, but I can also ask questions of the code itself. Smalltalk is super nice in the fact that I can questions like "Who accesses this variable?" and "Who sends this method locally?" Very powerful stuff to use ensure code is used correctly or at least warn a developer about it.
| accessors localCalls onlyCall |
accessors := OrderedCollection new.
self readerClass withAllSubAndSuperclassesDo: [:class |
accessors addAll: (class whichSelectorsAccess: 'output')].
self assert: (accessors size = 2).
self assert: (accessors allSatisfy: [:each | each = 'output' or: [each = 'output:']]).
localCalls := self readerClass allLocalCallsOn: #output.
self assert: (localCalls size = 1).
onlyCall := localCalls anyOne readStream upTo: Character space; upToEnd.
self assert: onlyCall = 'useOutputDuring:'
There's a lot of possibilities to explore here. One use could be to make sure access to certain methods is caught. It might be fine to call the method, you just might want to make someone think before they use it. Think of some of the lint checks for "become:". And speaking of lint, you could have lint tests like this to make sure that are no non-referenced instance variables in your classes or senders of "halt". Just another testament to the power that we enjoy in Smalltalk.
Hey Blaine,
You might want to check out ZenTest, a package I wrote for Ruby that uses reflection to audit and generate both test and code. It uses naming convention and a simple 1:m mapping rule to see what is missing on either side then generates appropriate test and code (I need a better name for the non-test method) methods that raise/flunk.
I've been using it for quite some time now and really love it. I'll write tests first and generate the implementation, and I'll use it to catch up on legacy code that I inherit.
COOL! I checked it out. I can't wait to start using it myself. Thanks for the info!
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