Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Ozzfest Rocked

Micheal Ammott and Gus G

The picture is of Micheal Ammott (Carnage, Carcass, Arch Enemy, Spirtual Beggars), Gus G (Firewind, Dream Evil, Nightrage, etc), and yours truly. As you can tell, Ozzfest was a blast. I got to see a lot of bands that I enjoy and it was great day hanging with my bud, Rusty. He shows me an incredible time while I was in the blue state of Connecticut. We saw two blues concerts, a car show, and he even took me to my old stomping grounds. Fun was had by all. All the bands put on incredible shows (especially Iron Maiden, Arch Enemy, Mastodon, and Shadow's Fall). I love seeing Ozzfest on the opening nights (the previous two years it was the first night. This year Hartford was second). The bands are fresh and ready to explode. Now, it's time for me to get back to my port of Elephant to Squeak, my new project Needle, and fixing SmallHttpUnit for VW 7.3. So much to do, so little time. Thank you, Rusty as always. I love you man!

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