Friday, April 28, 2006

Smalltalk Solutions 2006

I've been spending most of the day recovering from the massive idea exchanges at Smalltalk Solutions 2006. I had so much fun talking with everyone. I'm starting to feel comfortable giving presentations and I think it shows. As given by this review by James Robertson:
Blaine gave a good talk. He was funny, self deprecating, and well prepared.

If he only knew how many times I practiced and the amount of time I used for research. I'm glad it showed. I enjoyed giving it and I can't wait to unleash it on Java and Ruby crowds! So, what were my favorite presentations? Bar none, it had to be Brian Foote's keynote and Lukas Renggli's talk on Pier. But, I must admit I got private sessions where Colin Putney showed his design for Monticello2 (WOW). Andres's thoughts on the coding contest, and Hans-Martin Mosner showed me some "Behavior" magic. I will soon be taking over the universe with the information given to me.

I learned so much during the conference. Everyone I talked to gave me fresh perspectives on a wide range of topics. I'm still busy writing in my journal all of the great conversations I had. I can't decide if my brain is hurting from caffeine withdrawal or all of the possibilities. I think it's the latter.

My only real complaint is that we didn't have a space to have a Camp Smalltalk. I would have loved to paired with some folks. Maybe next year, we can find a spot in one of the coffee shops and take it over.

I can't wait till next year!

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