Saturday, August 19, 2006

Goodbye, Smalltalk

I'm having to say good-bye one more time to my favorite language. Oh, don't worry, I'm not leaving the community. I just will not be doing Smalltalk full-time at my job. I haven't been doing it for awhile anyway, but I occassionally walked over to the Smalltalk side of my shop and helped out on hard problems. my new gig will be 100% Java.

I'm looking to the future with excitement. RubyConf is going to be interesting to see how their community works. My experiences with the Ruby community have been positive, but it's been by all email. It will be cool to meet a lot of people in person. Of course, it will be cool to give a demo of Squeak or Dolphin to anyone that wants one.

The sad new is that I will probably not attend any of the Smalltalk conferences any time in the near future. Everyone will be missed! But, I will be out there trying to show Smalltalk to anyone curious (at RubyConf and beyond).

I will always love Smalltalk...

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