Monday, September 04, 2006

Updated: Comment Unit Tests For Ruby

I finally got around to updating my Comment Unit Tests For Ruby just for the fun of it. It's more robust, has a better model, and it has tests. I can now put unit tests in the comments of my code. I started using it on a project that I have and I'm loving it!

Here's a simple example:
### >>> 3 + 4
### >>= 7

You can even use variables:
### >>> a='i'
### >>> b=' love '
### >>> c='michelle'
### >>> a + b + c
### >>= 'i love michelle'

And if they are part of the same comment, it will keep the variable bindings active, so you can do this:
### >>> a + ', robot will never die'
### >>= 'i, robot will never die'

And finally, if comparing two objects bores you, then you can create your own equality check like this (notice the >>>?):
### >>> a = 5
### >>> b = 4 + 1
### >>? a == b

Enjoy and Ruby on!

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