Monday, May 12, 2008

BarCamp KC

I attended and presented at my first BarCamp this weekend. What a blast! I would like to thank Pete for putting on such a wonderful event. I'm always in need to mingle with brilliant folks and BarCampKC had them in spades. I enjoyed the discussions on Ruby, Situated Web Application Platforms, UML, customers, and of course, Seaside. It was well worth the 3 hours to attend and I would do it again in a heartbeat. My only wish is that it had been longer. I'll be making some more blog posts based on discussions had. If anyone has the chance to attend a BarCamp, please do. I know I made several new friends over the weekend.

And what would you know? No sooner that I have unpacked my bags and there's a webpage for BarCampOmaha. You can count me in being there and presenting something. Perhaps this time, I will give my Advanced Javascript talk (ran out of time in KC) or maybe I'll do something completely different. We'll see. I'll be having lots of fun this summer.

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