Friday, March 05, 2004

Dust Off Those 3-D glasses

I'e always wanted to do my own 3-D images. I love 3-D stuff and have been in awe of it since I was a little kid. I can remember my father bringing home the blue/red glasses and watching movies like "King Kong" in 3-D. It was great! He also took me to several 3-D movies when I was little, so it's always had a special place in my heart. So, I found some resources on the net (look here) that tell you how to do it. I went out with my trusty disposal cameras and came up with two really cool images with little effort. The colors are not quite right on these and I'm still looking into that, but they look really sharp in my Squeak image. Yes, I did doctor the images in Squeak. The other pictures still need a lot of work and I hope to post some more. But, I was so excited that I just had to share these!

Crowley 3-DHouse 3-D

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