Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Omaha Smalltalk User's Group

We had our first meeting of the Omaha Smalltalk User's Group. it was very exciting (and I still need to update a bunch of places of our group, reminder to self). Steve Wessels gave a passionate demonstration of the Squeak environment complete with "Ooohs" and "Ahhhs" from the crowd. I learned a few things while watching the demo and I was amazed at the amount of cool stuff there is to play with in Squeak. Steve did an excellent job of showing all of the faces and a lot of the cool projects. We even got a history lesson that was enlightening. All in all it was a great first meeting and I would like to thank everyone for showing up! Maybe next time, we can raid a local coffee shop and plot Squeak's domination of the programming world....Hehehehe...

The next meeting will be April 29 (which will be a thursday). It will be at the Abrahams public library in the conference room again. Next month's presention will be your truly showing off Seaside and discussing (or shall I say preaching) the greatness of continuation-based web frameworks. Should be a lot of fun! Everyone is welcome (so, if you're curious, come on by, we don't bite!)!

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