Tuesday, March 23, 2004

The Exodus Attack!

The new Exodus album, "Tempo of The Damned" was released today after what seemed like an eternity wait. My god, it feels like they never left. This got to be the best thrash album I've heard in a long time. This is how it's done! Of all the old bands getting together to do reunions, so far, Exodus puts them all to shame. So, why do you keep buying Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, or Anthrax albums? Go do yourself a huge favour and buy some thrash that still ROCKS! Now, I only hope the new Heathen and Death Angel can live up to this. BTW, one of my major weaknesses is thrash metal. I love it! It's great to hear some of my childhood heroes still kicking my booty...=) Thrash on!

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