Saturday, July 03, 2004


Imagine my shock and surprise when I visited my local Barnes and Noble browsed through the recent Future Music magazine and found an article on Kyma. For those who don't know, Kyma is a very cool sound manipulation software package. It's very costly (around $3,000) I think, but if I had the money, I would buy it. Anyway, what's my point and why was I surprised? Well, Kyma is written in VisualWorks Smalltalk and the lengthy article was a review talking about how all of the major electronic and soundtrack composers and sound designers use it and swear by it. I would love to work on their product! I've read about everything I could about it and it's very cool. Combining music and Smalltalk is just too cool. Anyway, right on guys! It's great seeing a Smalltalk company kicking butt, getting respect, and having the coolest product on the block!

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