Thursday, July 22, 2004

YACSR (Yet Another Camp Smalltalk Report

Lack of sleep is getting to me and coffee is required. Me having lot of fun. Me is sad that week is winding down. It's been great having a week of head in the clouds and making the impossible possible. I'm extremely excited about HttpUnitTest and I can't wait to release it for people to play with it. I hope Roger Whitney feels the same way (I think he does...we have been having too much fun!).

I mainly programed yesterday and talked a lot with folks. We had a lot of great discussions on everything from how to market Smalltalk to how to turn Smalltalk into a scripting language. All really good stuff and of course lots of java and microsoft bashing (but, of course, that could be me just hearing myself).

I'm finding love back in VisualWorks. It's been 4 years since I last used it and it has changed a lot. I plan to port HttpUnitTest to squeak nad VisualAge when I get home (it's not going to be very hard since the code base is very small still).

Well, over and out and tomorrow is the last day of Camp Smalltalk...=(

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