Monday, July 19, 2004

Love is Camp Smalltalk

WOW! The first night of Camp Smalltalk was awesome. We have taken over Edgefield and the land of Dynamica has been created. It was really great being able to talk to a lot of people that I have respect for and have read their books. Really neat-o. It was also nice not to be constrained and think in the clouds. A lot of times when working on business software, it's just not practical to take full advantage of Smalltalk because everyone needs to understand what you are doing. But, on the project here, you can get away with a lot because those constraints are gone. Plus, it's great to exercise the brain and try experimental things out. In business software, experimental software just isn't feasible. So, you have to get your experimental stuff out in your spare time. So, it's nice to be able to collaborate with folks that want to push the envelope and try things out as well.

I talked and listened a lot last night. I learned a bunch. I can't wait to see how the week unfolds. It's so exciting! It's also nice to be able to bash java and enjoy the company of the some the brightest in the industry. ROCK!

I feel very intimidated to be in such great company. I'm just speechless. Smalltalk is the best! We have the brightest NO DOUBT!

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