Saturday, February 04, 2006

Acid Bath

I just bought their demos collection recently and it sent me down memory lane. I remember seeing them in Raleigh,NC in front of six people shortly before they broke up. Their second album was about to come out and they played as if the place had been packed. It's amazing that it's been over ten years since I first heard them and their music still has an impact on me. No band has come since to match what they did. From folky acoustic numbers to sludgy dirges to fast paced metal, they did it all. The lyrics are easily the most disturbing yet poetic that you'll ever hear. They run the gamut of emotions of the dark inner soul. I loved this band and I hated they ended so prematurely because of a drunk driver.

It's great to hear the demos to the albums that I have listened to more times than I care to count. Damn, this stuff just grooves. Nothing is better than southern sludge.

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