Sunday, February 12, 2006

The First Dynamic Language Group Was A Success!

I almost forgot to blog about the good news! The turn out for the Dynamic Language Group was awesome! We tripled the attendance from the previous user groups that I was hosting. We packed the local Cafe Gelato to gather around Brent give his awesome talk on DynAPI. The cool thing was that we watched his presentation via VNC on our own laptops since we didn't have a projector and this was a small cafe. We improvised and I enjoyed the experience better than having a projector! I hoped everyone else did as well. I had an absolute blast.

Brent has been kind enough to post his presentation with examples. He gave a fabulous talk that spurred much excited commentary. DynAPI is a great show of what you can do with Javascript and do easily. It's also a great example of good Javascript. We even had a discussion on my favorite topic: prototype languages. We are lucky to have such talent around Omaha. It's amazing.

Hope to see even more happy dynamic lovers next month!

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