Monday, October 23, 2006

RubyConf 2006

I made it back from RubyConf in one piece. What fun! I drove up with Matt Secoske and the car decided to get sick while we were there. But, it was only minor. Anyway, I got to speak to a lot of people (and there's still people that I missed and didn't get a chance to chat with). It's nice sitting it at home relaxing now. It was a fun weekend of hacking Ruby and chatting about coder things. The funniest bit has to be that I wound up give a demo of Squeak and Seaside while I was there. I just can't help myself! It's hard for me not to get excited about dynamic languages and the one closest to my heart. I also got a chance to update my Lazy Collections implementation which I will post soon. It's also great to be back with internet. It's funny. This was the second coder conference I've been to with limited access. It was a great time and I enjoyed all of the festivities! See everyone next year! Ruby On!

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