Sunday, October 01, 2006

Seaside and Smalltalk in Omaha

I'll be giving my Seaside talk at this month's Dynamic Language User Group. I will probably spend sometime explaining why Smalltalk is so cool. Then, we'll go through continuations and why cheap closures are good. There's more to Seaside than just continuations and I will also touch on that. If you have ever been curious about Squeak, Seaside, or Smalltalk, then come on by. It's going to be explosive! It will be October 3,2006, 7pm-9pm. I hope to see everyone there!

Here's the location specifics:
Creighton University
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, NE 68178

Additional Information:
Enter the west end of the Old Gym.

Go up the elevator to the fourth floor.
You're there.
Restrooms are on the 2nd floor, unfortunately.
Vending machines are on the 1st floor, around the wall to the right of the elevator.
Anyone asks, you are attending the Omaha Dynamic Users Group meeting on the fourth floor of the Old Gym or ODUG.

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