Sunday, October 01, 2006

Six Weird Things/Habits/Facts About Me

I found this on a blog of my friend, Derek Davis, and thought it was mad fun.
  1. I own lots of music (enough to fill an 80 gig MP3 if they made one), but I do not own a stereo. I prefer to listen to music on headphones.

  2. Territorial. I do not like anyone to be in my space when I'm not around. And I do not like it when neighbors park in front of my house.

  3. I loathe cigarette smoke even though I'm an ex-smoker.

  4. I love high fiber cereal. The higher the better.

  5. I carry Equal and a pen wherever I go. I'm freakishly prepared for anything.

  6. Encyclopedic knowledge of heavy metal that stems from being a rabid fan (I love a lot of other genres, but metal is my favorite). I can name not only the song, but the artist, album, side (remember records?), year, producer, and my first impression when I first heard it.


Blaine Buxton said...

Rusty, you make me laugh! Yeah, the "i" word is dangerous around me right now. My iShuffle just stopped working. It will not turn on, recharge, or do anything. And my nano is not built any better. I'm glad I got them for free. How Apple gets away with making such crappy products is beyond me. They are like the Harley-Davidson of MP3 players. Pretty, but don't work. Ooops, I better get off soapbox...=)

I bet Lynn could help me...=) Miss you guys!

Sam Griffith Jr. said...

I'd have to add that most people don't know you have the nicest wife also and she's a great cook. :-)

Also, just to add to the iPod stuff. I've got a 40 Gig 3rd generation one that I got when they came out and I've never had problems with it, so maybe you were just unlucky enought to get some lemons. Also the battery in the shuffle only lasts for so many charges then you have to get a replacement battery (and take it apart...)

Sam Griffith Jr. said...

I'd have to add that most people don't know you have the nicest wife also and she's a great cook. :-)

Also, just to add to the iPod stuff. I've got a 40 Gig 3rd generation one that I got when they came out and I've never had problems with it, so maybe you were just unlucky enought to get some lemons. Also the battery in the shuffle only lasts for so many charges then you have to get a replacement battery (and take it apart...)