Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Dynamic Language User Group Is Back!

The holidays are over and it's time to get back to programming in the languages we love. I'm happy to announce we have a new location this month courtesy of Matt Payne. It's located at UNO's Peter Kiewit Institute (PKI) building! So, why the change you dare ask? Here's the blurb:
Room PKI 269 is nice because it has about 25 machines, each connected to the Internet, and a large screen projector at the front of the room. A laptop may be connected to the projector or you can just use the PC at the front of the room. Almost every room in PKI has a large screen projector at the front of the room with a PC and a laptop connection. All of the rooms have white boards.

WOW! I would like to give extra special thanks to Heather Blockovich of Tek Systems for all of her help. So, when are we meeting at our bright new shiny place? February 6 is the date usual time of 7-9pm. Of course, I'm always up for a little chit chat before.

Now, for the most important announcement (drum roll please): the speaker! Ben Heath will be providing a special evening of discussion on Common Lisp and his Netflix project. Ben is a passionate programmer with years of experience and is a Lisp and dynamic language lover. It's going to be an exciting talk for sure! I can't wait.

And if that wasn't all, Tek Systems will be joining us with food, refreshments, and maybe a few suprises! Yes, we have sponsorship for this meeting. Now, I have to ask what better way to spend an evening with free food, great place, great people, and awesome Lisp coding?! It's just too good! I look forward to seeing everyone.

TopicLisp and Netflix
SpeakerBen Heath
TimeFebruary 6, 7-9pm
LocationUNO's Peter Kiewit Institute (PKI) building
1110 South 67th Street
Omaha, NE

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