Thursday, June 02, 2005

Ain't I Cool?

I'm sorry but I need to toot my own horn. Look at this:

The Smalltalk Industry Council is happy to announce the winner of the first portion of the 2005 Smalltalk Solutions Coding Contest. Congratulations on a fantastic job. The winners in no particular order are:

  1. Blaine Buxton

  2. Michael Lucas-Smith Sorry for the misspelling before!

  3. Andrei N.Sobchuck

How COOL is that?! I can't believe that I'm in the top 3! I am so excited! I can't wait to meet the fellows in the top 3 with me. It'll be great to sit and chat with them! This is great news since my laptop has been sick this week and that's why it's been slow on the blogging part. I can't wait to get out there and mingle with my Smalltalk brothers and sisters! This is going to be so much FUN! I can't wait to compete! See everyone June 26! SMALLTALK ON! Oh, I almost forgot I would like to thank everyone for putting on this contest! It was MAD FUN!


Anonymous said...

Andrei Sobchuk is russian and he is really cool not you. ;)


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Blaine Buxton said...

Hey dude,
I really missed not being able to meet you...=) Maybe next year, I'll have that pleasure to be around such coolness. You can teach me...=) Smalltalk on! I wish you could have been there!