Sunday, June 19, 2005

Excited about Smalltalk Solutions

I haven't been blogging much lately. Lots of stuff has been going on, but I thought I'd mention how excited I am about going to Smalltalk Solutions this year. I can't wait to meet my peers in the competition. I'm hoping to make some new friends! And we all can do with more of those right? I'm also excited at the list of presenters. It would be cool to spend an evening picking the brains of some of these guys. I just finished Eric Evans' book, "Domain-Driven Design" and it was a great read. And of course, Niall Ross will be cool to increase my meta-fu! And the list goes on and on! It will be nice to meet up with old friends and find new ones. Also, I hope there's a lot of action at Camp Smalltalk! So, everyone look out! I'm bringing the energy...=) Email me if you want to get together! SMALLTALK ON!

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