Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Young Ass Kicking Smalltalkers

It's 2am and it fits my attitude. We are the future knights! Who's with me? Let's take it to the next level! ROCK! Seriously, I had a great day at Smalltalk Solutions. Not one bad conversation and I think I wore everyone out talking technical stuff. My mind seriously hurts. Lots of food for thought and mad fun! I would like to thank everyone for putting up with me. I can't express how much joy the talks, discussions, and debates have meant. It's been unbelievable for me to meet so many that I respect and admire. I've made a lot of friendships while here and I'm going to be sad when it ends tomorrow. Well, maybe not if I win the coding contest...But, Micheal might have something to say about that...=)


Anonymous said...

"We are the future knights"... Is that a lyric from some death metal song?

Sometimes I worry about you dude!


Blaine Buxton said...

Mohahahaha. No, it's more like a reference to the knights of the square brackets. But, then again, I was listening to Dio when I wrote it...=) I like the first explanation better.

Wilkes Joiner said...

Rock on!