Friday, September 19, 2003

Future Project

OK, as soon as I finish my Java Serialization framework and JXTA port in Squeak. I think my next project will be to update the Prolog implementation in Squeak. The original version was written in Smalltalk/V and I remember trying to load it into a 3.4 Squeak image and getting all kinds of errors. It comes on the CD that comes with the Squeak Blue book by Mark Guzdial (the CD is worth the price of book alone, but the book is EXCELLENT). I like the idea of Prolog and it would be a fun port. I've been interested in learning prolog for a while and this would be a perfect excuse to learn the language along the way. I already have several Prolog books and I thought about starting to use the examples in those as the beginning tests. Now, if I can find the author and get their blessing....=)

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