Saturday, September 06, 2003

I am blessed

Sometimes it takes something out of the ordinary to slap you in your face and make you stand up and take notice. This morning as I was preparing, I found a note from my wife that she had hidden in my luggage. She typically does this to let me know how much she loves me. But, this morning's note really hit me hard. I don't often cry, but this just really made me think how blessed I am. I'm blessed to not only have the love and admiration of a great woman, but I have the same in my friends. In the note, my wife wrote words of encouragement and strength when I was feeling most vunerable. She is truly the wind in my sails. It was that extra gust that made me blow the doors off the challenges of the day. But, as I went through the day, I realized that I have great number of friends that have the same feelings for me. In fact, they prove it by going way beyond the calls of duty and friendship. It makes a man sit back and realize how good life is to have such people in their lives. There's so many people that I respect and would do anything for. I hope they feel that I am in the wind in their sails as well. It's nice to realize that your loved and thought highly of. I will end this blog entry by saying that everyday I try to be a positive force in this world and it gives me great pride to know that I have many friends. YOU GUYS (AND MY WIFE OF COURSE) RULE! I LOVE YOU ALL MORE THAN YOU WILL EVER KNOW!!!!!!

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