Sunday, September 07, 2003


Here's a song I've been listening to a lot lately. It's a reminder that I must blaze my own path and not follow just because that's what everyone else is doing. I should never that to do to begin with and I hardly go with the crowd...But, it's great to have others in on the fight so to speak....=) Do what you love and buck the trends! No matter who's it's not right! So, here's the lyrics for your reading pleasure:

"Sheep" by Jimi Hazel
What are you gonna do with your life?
Step! Step! Step! Step!...Follow!
Step! Step! Step! Step!...Follow!
Step! Step! Step! Step!...Follow!
Step! Step! Step! Step!...Follow!

Verse 1:
Follow the leader is what you do,
Jump off the bridge if they tell ya to,
Be one of the millions and not the few,
Stand alone....
You'd rather lay down than die to fight,
Don't matter whether it's wrong or right,
Got you believin' that day is night,
Your mind is gone...

We don't care about your fuckin' rules,
We don't care about your chain of fools,
Up tight left right! Get in line,
Cos in the end you're sure to find,
That if you give away control,
Of all your art, your mind, your soul,
The ground you stand upon is sinking deep,
There's one too many sheep.

Verse 2:
The grass is greener on the other side,
That's what they say so you take the ride,
Before you feed you must leave your pride,
And now, it's gone....
The grass you chew on is bitter sweet,
You suck it down like you did defeat,
It leaves you hallow and incomplete,
And you belong...

Repeat Chorus

Why do you follow the leader?
Why can't you find your own way?
Ya know, free your mind and your ass will follow!
It's not free your mind and follow the ass...Think about it!

Chorus 2:
We don't care! STEP!
We don't care! STEP!
Follow the leader! We don't care!
We don't care! STEP!
We don't care! STEP!
Follow the leader! We don't care!

One too many sheep...

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