Monday, October 06, 2003

Improving Software

I got a comment from Jim Benson giving me another link for me to check out. He wrote 3 articles on Improving Software that were originally posts to the Squeak list. I remember them very vividly and they are an excellent read. I think the thing I love about them is it is a call to arms for us to not just accept software the way it is and to not stop trying come up with the next revolution. I too find it hard to believe that two of my fave languages are still over 30 years old! I would have thought something better would have come along. But, the more I play with other languages, the more I come back to Smalltalk and Lisp. Now, that's not to say that there's not a lot of great ideas out there....There are...I'm always in search of them and I hope that someday I will be the one that finds the "next language" that brings higher programmer productivity. I'm always trying to stretch myself and my thoughts. It's a good dream to have nonetheless....=)

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