Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Oh, You Have Much Left To Learn Grasshopper!

Being a part of the SBlog team thus far has been a lot of fun and I've been learning tons of new things (mainly Seaside and CSS, but also using new applicaions like Monticello, etc). It's been a long time since I played the role of student and I like it. I'm always in a constant state of learning, but it's rare that I get to have someone teach me. It's been a nice turnaround for a change. I've purposely forced myself with this project to do things I wouldn't normally do as well. I think this made me question a lot of what I do. I've found out a lot things from that. Plus, it's great being on a team and throwing around ideas. I love that part of it. I wake up every morning excited to see what the application looks like and what problems were found (usually in my code). I still feel like I'm just touching the tip of the iceberg with Seaside,but I am amazed how much I can do with such little knowledge. It's a testament to its ease of use and power. OK, I'm back off to SBlog land...=)

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