Saturday, October 11, 2003

The Ultimate Send-Off

Yesterday was my last day at TheHartford (what did you really think the mothership had come from's an attitude...=) Go get funky with your bad self!) and everyone that I had worked with came by to wish me well in my new endeavors. It was very kind and meant a lot to me. I was also given a pig with a sign that said, "Omaha or Bust". VERY CUTE! Later in the evening, a guitarist was playing at Black Eyed Sally's, Eric Sardinas, that Rusty liked so we all decided to meet up there for an dinner party. Well, Rusty drove me down and then proceeded to take a HUGE BOX out of the car. So, I've been seeing everyone whispering around me and I knew something was up! I thought I was going to get a good roasting, but instead the box was full of goodies! In big letters on the box are the words: "Ohmaha Survival Kit" and that was the theme. Rusty had too much fun explaining what each item meant with great vigor. I was laughing too hard! It was GREAT! The grand finale was a huge Alice Cooper doll (50in)!!! Very cool. The survival kit had a toy tracter (so, I knew what one looked like), cow (again, so I would know), shit and a can of shine-ola (so, I would know the difference...It's a saying I've been using since I heard it on the Lynyrd Skynyrd album and remembering my grandfather using the saying, "they wouldn't know the difference bettween shit or shine-ola!!" Oh well, it's southern thing...I guess), flying batman (well, something's gotta keep me busy), Alan Jackson and Celine Delion's latest albums (so, I can fit in), cow tails candy, and finally, KISS bobble heads (cos you just gotta have them!). Rusty and everyone then presented me with a card that they all signed wishing me well. I almost cried when I read what everyone had signed in it especially, Rusty's (i'm going to miss ya bud!). Everyone was so gracious and thanked me for everything they had learned from me (I'm wondering what they did learn...hmmm, I'm hoping it was good...In all honesty, I learned more from them).

I would just like to say that I've never had a send off like that before. The whole day was great. It warms my heart knowing that I made a difference and I love everyone there! I'M GOING TO MISS EACH ONE OF YOU! Kathy took pictures of the whole day so I could remember it and I will post them as soon as I get them!

GOOD-BYE HARTFORD! And I love you guys and gals! Hopefully, we'll meet up again sometime in the future! FUNK ON!

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