Monday, October 06, 2003

Squeak 3.6 is RELEASED and Party Tomorrow

This is cool! I wasn't expecting this so soon. Anyway, I hope to catch some of you guys in the IRC channel if I can get out of work. Here's the official announcement from Doug Way:
    3.6 is now available on the downloads page, and is thus officially released!

    Göran suggested we have a sort of release party for 3.6 on the squeak IRC channel, which sounded like a fine idea. So, it will be tomorrow (Tuesday) from noon to midnight GMT. (8am to 8pm EDT.)

    Let's get a bunch of people on the squeak IRC channel chatting about Squeak! Of course, anyone can join the squeak channel at any time, but it might be fun to have a larger crowd for half a day.

    If you haven't tried IRC before, see . If you run into a problem, reply to this thread and someone should be able to help.

    - Doug

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