Saturday, October 18, 2003

Second Day On The Move

WOW! What a gorgous day! Today's ride was a lot smoother and a bit warmer. The weather was cloudy when we started, but around noon, the sun broke through for the rest of the day. It was a nice relaxing drive. I finished Richard Gabriel's "Patterns Of Sotfware". There's a lot of things in that made me question some my beliefs and that's always a good thing. I can't say that agreed with everything (Smalltalk take mathematical sophistication, but C does not? I would think the reverse to be true, but that's another discussion for another entry!), but it was a good read. So,I started a new book, "The Corporate Mystic" and so far it's a GREAT READ! I love it....But, we'll see how it goes...=) Tomorrow's drive should be somewhat short and we will be in our new surroundings....A new town to explore and new people to meet! I can't wait!

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